Imagine Livermore 2045


Imagine Livermore 2045

Draft General Plan Land Use Map released!
The General Plan Land Use Map is available for public review. Go to the General Plan Land Use Map page to learn more, access the map, and provide your feedback.
General Plan Land Use Map Page
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Check out Episode 2 of the video series about Climate Change!
Review the Draft Alternatives and Place Types Menu
The draft land use alternatives explore a range of commercial, industrial, and residential growth within four focus areas to accommodate future commercial needs, support local job growth, and to respond to future State mandated RHNA cycles through 2045.
View on Documents Page
Web-Based Existing Conditions StoryMaps Available
Check out the web-based version of our Existing Conditions Reports in StoryMap format!
Go to Online StoryMaps
City Council approves final Draft Vision Statement and Guiding Principles!
The final Draft Vision Statement and Guiding Principles were approved on March 14, 2022.
Read the final Draft Vision Statement and Guiding Principles
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The City of Livermore is updating its General Plan, the plan that guides City decisions about transportation, jobs, housing, parks, shopping, services, and more. The current General Plan was adopted in 2004 and looks out to the horizon year 2025. This update process will revisit and refresh this important plan to reflect the issues, ideas, and aspirations of today and plan ahead for the next 20 years.