Imagine Livermore 2045


Imagine Livermore 2045

Latest Past Events

City Council Meeting: Draft General Plan Land Use Map

Civic Center Meeting Hall (City Council Chambers) 1016 S. Livermore Ave., Livermore

At this meeting, the City Council reviewed the Draft General Plan Land Use Map. The meeting agenda packet is available on the City’s website.

Planning Commission Meeting: GPAC Draft Policy Options

Civic Center Meeting Hall (City Council Chambers) 1016 S. Livermore Ave., Livermore

At this meeting, the Planning Commission provided recommendations on the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) feedback on policy options for the Infrastructure, Public Services, and Mobility Elements. The meeting agenda packet is available on the City’s website.

Planning Commission Meeting: Draft Land Use Map and GPAC Draft Policy Options

Civic Center Meeting Hall (City Council Chambers) 1016 S. Livermore Ave., Livermore

At this meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the Draft Land Use Map and provided recommendations on the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) feedback on policy options for the Open Space and Conservation and Safety Elements. The meeting agenda packet is available on the City’s website.