Imagine Livermore 2045


Imagine Livermore 2045

Latest Past Events

Downtown Livermore Farmers Market Pop-up

Carnegie Park 2155 3rd St, Livermore

Share your ideas on where the City should plan for jobs, services, entertainment, housing, and parks and open space through 2045. The City is kicking off the process to develop land use alternatives that will explore different possible futures for how and where to plan for future growth and conservation.  The City is currently seeking input to… Continue reading Downtown Livermore Farmers Market Pop-up

GPAC Meeting #5

Virtual Event (Zoom)

This was the fifth General Plan Advisory Committee meeting for the Livermore General Plan Update 2045. View the agenda View the meeting presentation

Housing Element Study Session: Planning Commission and City Council

Virtual Event (Zoom)

At this joint virtual Planning Commission and City Council study session, staff and the consultant team provided an overview of the Housing Element Update, the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA), State housing laws, public outreach for this effort, and the Housing Element schedule, followed by a Q&A session. View the meeting agenda packet View the… Continue reading Housing Element Study Session: Planning Commission and City Council