Imagine Livermore 2045


Imagine Livermore 2045

General Plan Land Use Map

Draft General Plan Land Use Map

The General Plan land use map illustrates the location, type, and intensity of land uses. Each color on the map represents a land use designation. The range of land use designations covers all the different types of places, activities, and development in Livermore, including residential, commercial, mixed use, industrial, community facilities, and open space.

The Imagine Livermore 2045 Draft Land Use map is the culmination of discussions with community, the General Plan Advisory Committee, stakeholders, and property owners. 

For most parts of Livermore, the current General Plan land use designations are appropriate and not proposed to change. Proposed land use changes on the Draft General Plan land use map are primarily concentrated in three “Focus Areas” where transformation is expected or desired to occur through 2045: Vasco Row, Laughlin Road, and Midtown. These Focus Areas are mostly vacant or under-developed land, near existing or future transit and other infrastructure, have already started transitioning to other uses, and/or include property owners that have expressed interest in considering redevelopment or change. In addition, the Draft General Plan land use map includes scattered land use changes outside the Focus Areas.

The type and intensity of development allowed in each designation is explained in the land use designations section of the Land Use Element. The current drafts of the land use map and the land use designations are available through the buttons below.

Interactive Land Use Map

The online Interactive Land Use map is live! Use the link below to go to a navigable map where you can view land use information for each parcel, including any proposed changes.


Use the contact form below to submit comments on the Draft General Plan Land Use Map.