Imagine Livermore 2045


Imagine Livermore 2045

GPAC Meeting #11: Draft Alternatives (Part 2)

Virtual Meeting (Zoom)

GPAC Meeting 11 was the second meeting dedicated to reviewing the Draft Alternatives. View the meeting agenda. View the meeting presentation.

GPAC Meeting #12: Sustainability

Virtual Meeting (Zoom)

GPAC Meeting 12 will discuss Sustainability for the General Plan Update. View the meeting agenda and information on how to join. View the presentation.

GPAC Meeting #13: Infrastructure and Public Services

Civic Center Meeting Hall (Mendenhall Room) 1016 S. Livermore Ave., Livermore, CA

GPAC Meeting 13 discussed Infrastructure and Public Services for the General Plan Update. View the presentation.

GPAC Meeting #14: Urban Design

Civic Center Meeting Hall (Mendenhall Room) 1016 S. Livermore Ave., Livermore, CA

GPAC Meeting 14 discussed urban design principles and the built form of Livermore, and how these related to the General Plan Update. View the agenda packet. View the presentation.

GPAC Meeting #15: Parks and Recreation and Schools

Civic Center Meeting Hall (Mendenhall Room) 1016 S. Livermore Ave., Livermore, CA

This was a special meeting of the GPAC to discuss parks and recreation and schools in Livermore. View the agenda packet. View the presentation.

GPAC Meeting #17: South Livermore Valley

Civic Center Meeting Hall (Mendenhall Room) 1016 S. Livermore Ave., Livermore, CA

At this GPAC meeting, the project team presented information about the history and future of the South Livermore Valley and answered GPAC questions. View the meeting agenda packet.

GPAC Meeting #20: Vision for East of Greenville Focus Area

Civic Center Meeting Hall (Mendenhall Room) 1016 S. Livermore Ave., Livermore, CA

At this meeting, the project team presented additional information about the East of Greenville focus area draft land use alternatives in response to GPAC feedback and answered GPAC questions.

GPAC Meeting #21: Orientation to Alternatives Evaluation and Preferred Scenario Outreach

Civic Center Meeting Hall (Mendenhall Room) 1016 S. Livermore Ave., Livermore, CA

At this meeting the General Plan team provided an overview presentation and walked the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) through the alternatives evaluation materials and provided an overview of upcoming… Continue reading GPAC Meeting #21: Orientation to Alternatives Evaluation and Preferred Scenario Outreach