Pop-up at Thursday Farmers’ Market
Carnegie Park 2155 3rd St, Livermore, CA, United StatesFind us at the Thursday Farmers' Market at Carnegie Park!
Find us at the Thursday Farmers' Market at Carnegie Park!
The City of Livermore attended and had a table at Pridefest 2021. https://www.livermorepride.org/events/livermorepridefest2021
This was the second General Plan Advisory Committee meeting for the Livermore General Plan Update 2045. View the agenda packet for GPAC meeting 2. View the presentation for GPAC meeting… Continue reading GPAC Meeting #2: Visioning
The Dia de los Muertos event was held at the Rincon Library on Saturday, October 30, 2021. Attendees stopped by at our table to share their ideas and concerns about… Continue reading Dia de los Muertos Pop-up
This was the third General Plan Advisory Committee meeting for the Livermore General Plan Update 2045. You can view the meeting agenda packet and presentation using the links below. View… Continue reading GPAC Meeting #3: Housing Element Overview
The General Plan Update was discussed at this Planning Commission meeting. View the agenda packet with the meeting information using the link below. View the agenda packet for this Planning… Continue reading Planning Commission Meeting
This was the fourth General Plan Advisory Committee meeting for the Livermore General Plan Update 2045. You can view the agenda packet and presentation for this meeting using the links… Continue reading GPAC Meeting #4
On Monday, January 10, 2022, the City Council received a presentation from the General Plan team on the Draft General Plan Vision Statement and Guiding Principles. The Draft Vision Statement and Guiding Principles were… Continue reading City Council Meeting
At this joint virtual Planning Commission and City Council study session, staff and the consultant team provided an overview of the Housing Element Update, the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA),… Continue reading Housing Element Study Session: Planning Commission and City Council
This was the fifth General Plan Advisory Committee meeting for the Livermore General Plan Update 2045. View the agenda View the meeting presentation
Share your ideas on where the City should plan for jobs, services, entertainment, housing, and parks and open space through 2045. The City is kicking off the process to develop land… Continue reading Downtown Livermore Farmers Market Pop-up
Share your ideas on where the City should plan for jobs, services, entertainment, housing, and parks and open space through 2045. The City is kicking off the process to develop land… Continue reading Downtown Livermore Farmers Market Pop-up