Imagine Livermore 2045


Imagine Livermore 2045

GPAC Meeting #4

Virtual Event (Zoom)

This was the fourth General Plan Advisory Committee meeting for the Livermore General Plan Update 2045. You can view the agenda packet and presentation for this meeting using the links… Continue reading GPAC Meeting #4

City Council Meeting

Virtual Meeting (Zoom)

On Monday, January 10, 2022, the City Council received a presentation from the General Plan team on the Draft General Plan Vision Statement and Guiding Principles. The Draft Vision Statement and Guiding Principles were… Continue reading City Council Meeting

GPAC Meeting #5

Virtual Event (Zoom)

This was the fifth General Plan Advisory Committee meeting for the Livermore General Plan Update 2045. View the agenda View the meeting presentation

GPAC Meeting #6

Virtual Event (Zoom)

This was the sixth General Plan Advisory Committee meeting for the Livermore General Plan Update 2045. View the agenda packet for meeting information. View the meeting presentation. View the City… Continue reading GPAC Meeting #6

GPAC Meeting #8 (In-Person)

Civic Center Meeting Hall (Mendenhall Room) 1016 S. Livermore Ave., Livermore, CA

This was the eighth meeting of the City Council-appointed General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) and took place in-person at the Civic Center Meeting Hall, Mendenhall Room (1016 S. Livermore Avenue).… Continue reading GPAC Meeting #8 (In-Person)