At this City Council meeting, the General Plan project team presented the Draft GPAC Preferred Land Use Scenario and the Planning Commission recommendation on the Draft Preferred Land Use Scenario. … Continue reading City Council Meeting: Draft Preferred Land Use Scenario
At the July 17 meeting of the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), the project team provided an overview of the working draft outline of the 2045 General Plan and Land… Continue reading GPAC Meeting #27: General Plan Outline & Land Use Element Policy Options
At the August 14 meeting of the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), the project team presented policy options for the Community Identity Element for GPAC consideration and discussion. The agenda… Continue reading GPAC Meeting #28: Community Identity Element Policy Options
At the September 11 meeting of the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), the project team provided an overview of the Open Space and Natural Resources Element and Safety Element policy… Continue reading GPAC Meeting #29: Open Space and Natural Resources Conservation and Safety Policy Options
At the September 25 meeting of the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), the project team provided an overview of the Infrastructure Element and Public Services Element policy options based on… Continue reading GPAC Meeting #30: Infrastructure and Public Services Policy Options
At the October 9 meeting of the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), the project team provided an overview of the Mobility Element policy options based on input previously provided by… Continue reading GPAC Meeting #31: Mobility Policy Options
At the November 13 meeting of the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), the project team presented policy options for the Economic Development Element for GPAC consideration and discussion. The GPAC… Continue reading GPAC Meeting #32: Economic Development Policy Options
At this meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the Draft Land Use Map and provided recommendations on the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) feedback on policy options for the Open Space… Continue reading Planning Commission Meeting: Draft Land Use Map and GPAC Draft Policy Options
At this meeting, the Planning Commission provided recommendations on the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) feedback on policy options for the Infrastructure, Public Services, and Mobility Elements. The meeting agenda… Continue reading Planning Commission Meeting: GPAC Draft Policy Options
At this meeting, the City Council reviewed the Draft General Plan Land Use Map. The meeting agenda packet is available on the City’s website.